class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # Unleash Shiny ## R/Pharma - Advanced Shiny Workshop ### David Granjon (Novartis) & John Coene (World Economic Forum) ### 09-10-2020 --- <style> .title-slide { background-image: url(assets/img/bg/front_cover.jpg); background-size: cover; } </style> # About us[ .w-30.mr3[ <img class="br-100" src="assets/img/people/david.jpg" /> .f5[David] .small[Data Scientist at Novartis] .gray[@divadnojnarg] ] .w-30.mr3[ <img class="br-100" src="assets/img/people/john.jpg" /> .f5[John] .small[Data scientist at the World Economic Forum] .gray[@jdatap] ] .w-30.mr3[ <img class="br-100" src="assets/img/people/colin.jpg" /> .f5[Colin] .small[Shiny Expert at ThinkR] .gray[@_ColinFay] ] ] --- # Program We're in for 4 hours of **fun**! - Grab a โ - Make yourself comfortable ๐ or ๐ง - Ask questions โ 1. Intro + Quiz (5 min) 2. Develop **custom templates** with Shiny (45 min) 3. โ + โ (10 min) (total: 1h) 4. Unleash Shiny's interactivity (80 min) 5. โ + โ (10 min) (total: 2h30) 6. Innovative approach to **custom outputs** (60 min) 7. โ + โ (10 min) (total: 3h40) 8. Shiny's **hidden** or **less documented** features (20 min) (total: 4h) .footnote[ Disclaimer: this workshop is not about **building** Shiny Apps!!! ] --- # Workshop Material - Slides: - For a plug and play experience, we created a [Rstudio Cloud]( project with everything installed for you .center[ ] - To avoid **connection issues**, disconnect from your **VPN**! - Somes slides contain code that you may run (a **sandbox** space is available in RStudio Cloud) <img src="assets/img/rstudio_cloud_project.jpg" width="100%" /> --- class: break center middle background-image: url('assets/img/bg/intro.jpg') background-size: cover .center[ <h3 class="white absolute bottom">Introduction</h3> ] --- class: center # Shiny or not Shiny? <div class="device device-iphone-8 device-spacegray" style="position: absolute; left: 0; right: 0; top: 0; bottom: 0; margin: auto; max-width: 100%; max-height: 100%; transform: scale(0.6);"> <div class="device-frame"> <iframe width="100%" src="" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="100%" scrolling="auto"></iframe> </div> <div class="device-stripe"></div> <div class="device-header"></div> <div class="device-sensors"></div> <div class="device-btns"></div> <div class="device-power"></div> </div> --- # Shiny or not Shiny? <div class="device device-macbook-pro device-spacegray" style="position: absolute; left: 0; right: 0; top: 0; bottom: 0; margin: auto; max-width: 100%; max-height: 100%; transform: scale(1);"> <div class="device-frame"> <iframe width="100%" src="" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="100%" scrolling="auto"></iframe> </div> <div class="device-stripe"></div> <div class="device-header"></div> <div class="device-sensors"></div> <div class="device-btns"></div> <div class="device-power"></div> </div> --- # Shiny or not Shiny? <div class="device device-macbook-pro device-spacegray" style="position: absolute; left: 0; right: 0; top: 0; bottom: 0; margin: auto; max-width: 100%; max-height: 100%; transform: scale(1);"> <div class="device-frame"> <iframe width="100%" src="" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="100%" scrolling="auto"></iframe> </div> <div class="device-stripe"></div> <div class="device-header"></div> <div class="device-sensors"></div> <div class="device-btns"></div> <div class="device-power"></div> </div> --- # A simple Shiny app #### No HTML/CSS/JS and it just works ๐จ! What kind of **magic** is this? <iframe src="" height="400px" width="100%"></iframe> --- <video style="position: fixed; right: 0; bottom: 0; min-width: 100%; min-height: 100%; width: 100%; "loop="" autoplay="" poster="assets/img/bg/virtual_patient.png"> <source src="assets/movies/VirtualPatient.mp4" type="video/mp4"> </video> --- class: break center middle background-image: url('assets/img/bg/part1.jpg') background-size: cover <h3 class="white absolute bottom center">Part 1. Custom Templates with Shiny</h3> --- class: header_background # A. Shiny generates HTML from R ## Warm up 1 1. Run the following code: ```r p("Hello World") ``` 2. Copy and paste this code to the R console. What do you observe? --- class: header_background # A.1.1 Introduction to HTML: **tags** ## The simplest HTML skeleton[ ```html <!DOCTYPE HTML> <html> <head> <!-- head content here --> </head> <body> <!-- body content here --> </body> </html> ``` ] .pull-right.small[ There are 2 types of **tags**: - paired-tags:`<div></div>` - self closing tags: `<img/>` We classify them by usage: - structural tags: `<head></head>`, `<body></body>` - control tags: `<script></script>`, `<button></button>` - formatting tags: `<font></font>` Block vs inline: - `<div><p>Hello World</p></div>`: .green[Good] - `<span><div><p>Hello World</p></div></span>`: .red[not good] ] --- class: header_background # A.1.2 Introduction to HTML: **attributes** ## Attributes specify the tags properties[ ```html <div class="awesome-item" id="myitem"></div> <!-- the class awesome-item may be applied to multiple tags --> <span class="awesome-item"></span> ``` ] .pull-right[ The most common attributes: - **class** may be shared between multiple tags - **id** is unique - non standards attributes like `data-toggle` ] <br> Attributes are used by **CSS** and **JavaScript** to **interact** with the web page! --- class: header_background # A.2 About the Document Object Model .pull-left.w-50.mt4.small[ DOM is a convenient representation (tree) of the HTML document. We inspect the code of any web page with Firefox or Chrome: - after a right click and selecting inspect - after clicking on **F12** (windows), **fn + F12** (Mac) ```r library(shiny) ui <- fluidPage(p("Hello World")) server <- function(input, output) {} shinyApp(ui, server) ``` 1. Run the above app, right click on the only text element and select inspect 2. In the `Elements` panel, double click between the `<p></p>` tag to edit the current text. Press enter when finished ] .pull-right.w-50.mt4[ <img src="assets/img/html_DOM.png" width="85%" /> ] --- class: header_background # B. Unleash `{htmltools}` `{htmltools}` is a R package designed to: - **Generate** HTML tags from R - Handle **web dependencies**: add, remove, resolve, ... Historically, `{htmltools}` was extracted out of `{shiny}` to extend it. That's why, both packages have many common functions! At the moment, `{htmltools}` does not have any user guide, although being an important package for all web things [![](]( --- class: header_background # C. Discover Shiny dependencies ## Warm up 2 Let's play ๐ฎ: 1. Run the app `runExample("01_hello")` 2. Open the HTML inspector 3. Delete the bootstrap.min.css and ion.rangeSlider.css 4. Conclusions The `htmtools::findDependencies` function allows to get the dependencies from a tag. ```r findDependencies(fluidPage()) ``` --- class: header_background # C.1.1 Handle dependencies ## How would you include JS/CSS in a Shiny app?[ Works but not **portable** ```r fluidPage( tags$head( tags$style(...), tags$script(src = "path-to-script"), tags$script( "$(function() { // JS logic ... }); " ) ) ) ``` ][ With `{htmltools}`, we define the dependency with `htmlDependency`, then attach it to a tag with `tagList`: ```r use_bs4_dep <- function(tag) { bs4_dep <- htmlDependency( name = "Bootstrap 4", version = "1.0", src = c(href = ""), stylesheet = "bootstrap.min.css" ) tagList(tag, bs4_dep) } use_bs4_dep(fluidPage()) ``` ] --- class: header_background # C.1.2 From HTML to R ๐งโโ๏ธ ## HTML VS R[ In HTML, we have: ```html <div class="divclass" id = "daddy"> <h1>A child</h1> <span class="child" id="baby">Crying</span> </div> ``` ][ The corresponding R code is ```r mytag <- div( class = "divclass", id = "daddy", h1("A child"), span(class = "child", id = "baby", "Crying") ) ``` ] Some tags like `<nav></nav>` need the `tags$` prefix before (`tags` is a list of functions). The `withTags` function to use `tags$<tagName>` --- class: header_background # C.1.3 Automate the conversion? <img src="assets/img/thug_life.png" width="5%" align="right"/> This process is **not interesting** and **time consuming**! .center[ <img src="assets/img/charpente.png" width="15%" /> ] .pull-left.small[ Tools exist: - html2R [Shiny app]( converts HTML to R (thanks Alan Dipert) - `{charpente}` does the same from the R console with `html_2_R` ] .pull-right.small[ Code conversion by `{charpente}` ```r html_2_R('<div class="divclass" id = "daddy"></div>') ``` ``` ## div( ## class = "divclass", ## id = "daddy" ## ) ``` ] --- class: header_background # C.2.1 Accessing R tags attributes How to access name, attributes, children? We could use `str(mytag)` to inspect the structure of the R object. .pull-left[ ```r mytag$attribs ``` ``` ## $class ## [1] "divclass" ## ## $id ## [1] "daddy" ``` ] .pull-right[ ```r mytag$children ``` ``` ## [[1]] ## <h1>A child</h1> ## ## [[2]] ## <span class="child" id="baby">Crying</span> ``` ] --- class: header_background # C.2.2 Manipulate R tags ## Add new attributes There are 2 methods: - `tagAppendAttributes(tag, list of attributes)` is preferred - `tag$attribs[["new-attribute"]] <- value` ## Add child/children - `tagAppendChild(tag, child)` - `tagAppendChildren(tag, list of children)` There exist other functions but we'll not use them. --- class: header_background # C.2.3 Programmatically create elements .mt4[Let's create 5 `span` tags!] .pull-left-30.mt2[ ```r div( span(1), span(2), span(3), span(4), span(5) ) ``` What about 100 tags ๐ฑ? ] .pull-right-70.mt2[ With some **functional** programming! ```r # base R div(lapply(1:5, function(i) span(i))) # purrr + %>% map(1:5, function(i) span(i)) %>% div() ``` ] --- class: header_background # D. Practice: bulma In the following, you'll reconstruct the `{shinybulma}` package step by step! .center[ <img src="assets/img/shinybulma.svg" width="20%" /> ] Main tasks: - Import [bulma]( dependencies - Generate the main `page` function Lets' start! Open [`shinybulma.Rmd`]( and enjoy ๐
--- class: break center middle background-image: url('assets/img/bg/part2.jpg') background-size: cover <h3 class="white absolute bottom center">Part 2. Unleash Shiny's Interactivity </h3> --- class: header_background # A.1 Inputs are key to interactivity[ **Inputs** are key elements of web applications. They drive user **interactions** like: - configure parameters - fill and submit a form - ... <br> `{shiny}` brings various inputs like `sliderInput`, `numericInput`, ... ] .pull-right.w-50.mt4[ <div class="device device-iphone-8 device-spacegray" style="position: absolute; left: 50; top: 50; bottom: 0; margin: auto; max-width: 100%; max-height: 100%; transform: scale(0.6);"> <div class="device-frame"> <iframe width="100%" src="" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="100%" scrolling="auto"></iframe> </div> <div class="device-stripe"></div> <div class="device-header"></div> <div class="device-sensors"></div> <div class="device-btns"></div> <div class="device-power"></div> </div> ] <br> .center[ How does all this even work ๐ง? ] --- class: header_background # A.2 Shiny heavily relies on JavaScript (JS) .pull-left.w-50.mt4[ One very big `shiny.js`<sup>*</sup> responsible for: - registering input/output - handling every single input/output action - initializing and controlling the **websocket** ๐งฆ (the whaaaat?) - handling alerts/modals/notifications - ... .center[ <img src="assets/img/shiny-input-homer.gif" width="25%" /> ] ] .pull-right.w-50.mt4[ <img src="assets/img/shiny-js-sources.png" width="100%" /> ] .footnote.small[ <sup>*</sup> JS source may be found [here]( In short all these files are **concatenated**, giving **shiny.js** and **shiny.min.js**! ] --- class: header_background # A.2.1 Introduction to JS and jQuery 1. Primary role: create **dynamic** and **interactive** pages 2. How? **Interact** with the **DOM** elements (modify, remove, add) 3. JS is run on the **client** (web browser) 4. JS is **object oriented** .pull-left-30[ ```js var myNumber = 1; // affectation myNumber--; // decrement console.log(myNumber); // print 0 ``` ] .pull-right-70[ ```js const you = { name: 'your name', // property music : 'your favorite music', printName: function() { // method console.log(`I am ${}`); // here "this" is the object } } you.geek = true; // add extra property ``` ] --- class: header_background # A.2.2 jQuery, "Write less, do more" jQuery is a JS **library**, not another language! .center[ ```js var $ = jQuery; // usually you don't need this since Shiny already does it $(selector).action(); // jQuery's philosophy ``` ] --- class: header_background # A.2.3 jQuery and CSS selectors In the next steps, we'll have to **select** elements from the DOM. <iframe src="" height="400px" width="100%"></iframe> --- class: header_background # A.2.4 jQuery and event listeners An **event listener** is a program that **triggers** when a given event **occurs**, like after a mouse click. .mh-a.small[ ```html <button id="mybutton">Go ! </button> ``` ] .pull-left.small[ With **vanilla JS**: ```js var btn = document.getElementById('mybutton'); // select the button btn.addEventListener('click', function() { // action + consequences alert('You clicked me!'); // action }); ``` ] .pull-right.small[ With **jQuery**: ```js $('#mybutton').on('click', function() { alert('You clicked me!'); }); ``` ] Hopefully you are convinced that jQuery is less **verbose** than pure JS! --- class: header_background # A.3.1 R and JS Let's consider the following app .pull-left.w-50.small[ ```r ui <- fluidPage( textInput("text", "My text", "Some text"), actionButton("update", "Update") ) server <- function(input, output, session) { observeEvent(input$update, { updateTextInput(session, "text", value = "Updated text") }) } shinyApp(ui, server) ``` ] .pull-right.w-50[ Waiiit!! - How does JS knows that R wants to update the text value โ - How does Shiny knows when to send back the updated text to R โ ] --- class: header_background # A.3.2 The Shiny JS object Did you know that `Shiny` is also a JavaScript object โ .pull-left.w-50.small[ Run this app and open the HTML inspector. ```r ui <- fluidPage( tags$script( "$(function() { console.log(Shiny); }); " ) ) server <- function(input, output) {} shinyApp(ui, server) ``` ] .pull-right.w-50[ <img src="assets/img/shiny-object.png" width="90%" /> ] --- class: header_background # A.3.3.1 Websockets .center[ <img src="assets/img/websocket-intro.png" width="90%" /> ] --- class: header_background # A.3.3.2 Shiny and Websocket This is the magic piece allowing **bidirectional** communication between R and JavaScript. The technology behind is provided by `{httpuv}` and `{websocket}`. .pull-left.w-50[ 1. Run the previous app 2. Open the HTML inspector 3. Select the `Network` tab 4. Search for websocket 5. Play with the app and observe! ] .pull-right.w-50[ <img src="assets/img/inspect-websocket.png" width="100%" /> ] --- class: header_background # A.3.4 From R to JS, from JS to R On the R side `session` is an instance of the `ShinySession` R6 class allowing to send **messages** to JS. .pull-left.w-50.small[ 2 main methods: - **`sendCustomMessage`** sends R messages to JS - **`sendInputMessage`** sends R messages to **input bindings** <br> `Shiny.addCustomMessageHandler` is the JS part of `session$sendCustomMessage`. Both are linked by the **type** parameter! ] .pull-right.w-50[ <img src="assets/img/shiny-custom-message.png" width="100%" /> ] --- class: header_background # A.4 Bulma JS for Shiny In this part you'll need to work on the following RStudio Cloud [project]( We split the audience in 3 groups (1 instructor per group). Each group will choose between: - Notifications, doc [here]( - Modal, doc [here]( After the workshop, you'll have the **opportunity** to bring this change to the [shinybulma]( repository.
--- class: header_background # B.1.1 The Shiny input system ## Input tag structure Input tags have various HTML structure. ```html <input id = inputId type = "text" class = "input-text" value = value> ``` The simplest is probably the text input: - **id** guarantees the input **uniqueness**. <sup>1</sup> - **type** define the input type - **class** is generally targeted by JavaScript: `$('.input-text').action();` - **value** holds the input value .footnote.small[ <sup>1</sup> All instances of the same input share a unique **input binding**. Hence, id is **mandatory**! ] --- class: header_background # B.1.2 The Shiny input system ## Binding Shiny inputs An input binding: - Allows Shiny to **identify** each **instance** of a given input - Describes what you **may do** with it. - **Receives messages** from R ... - ... tells **when** Shiny has to update the value for R ๐ Bindings rely on a JS class defined in the input_binding.js [file]( ```js var customTextBinding = new Shiny.InputBinding(); ``` In the following, we'll need `devtools::install_github("DivadNojnarg/OSUICode")` --- class: header_background # B.2.1 The binding steps: **find** The idea is to **locate** the input in the DOM. .pull-left.w-50.small[ We generally filter by **class**, **scope** being the **document**. ```js find: function(scope) { console.log($(scope).find('.input-text')); return $(scope).find('.input-text'); } ``` Run the following and open the HTML inspector. ```r library(OSUICode) customTextInputExample(1) ``` ] .pull-right.w-50[ <img src="assets/img/shiny-find-inputs.png" width="100%" /> ] --- class: header_background # B.2.3 The binding steps: **get the value** This step ensures that R **gets** the input **value** at any time. The jQuery `val` method allows to get the current value. .pull-left.w-50[ ```js getValue: function(el) { return $(el).val(); } ``` ] .pull-right.w-50[ 1. Run the following and open the HTML inspector 2. Update the text content 3. What happens? Why? ```r customTextInputExample(2) ``` ] --- class: header_background # B.2.4 The binding steps: **set and update** .small[ `setValue(el, value)` is used to set the input value. It called within `receiveMessage(el, data)`, which is the JS part of all the R `updateInput` functions. ] .pull-left.w-50.small[ ```js setValue: function(el, value) { $(el).val(value); } receiveMessage: function(el, data) { console.log(data); if (data.hasOwnProperty('value')) { this.setValue(el, data.value); } // other parameters to update... } ``` Run the following and open the HTML inspector. Why doesn't the output value change? ```r updateCustomTextInputExample(3) ``` ] .pull-right.w-50[ <img src="assets/img/shiny-update-inputs.png" width="100%" /> ] --- class: header_background # B.2.5 The binding steps: **subscribe** .pull-left.w-70.small.mt2[ `subscribe(el, callback)` **listens** to **events** defining Shiny to update the input value and make it available in the app. For a text input, we might have: ```js subscribe: function(el, callback) { // when updated $(el).on('change.customTextBinding', function(event) { callback(false); }); // keyboard, copy and paste, ... $(el).on('keyup.customTextBinding input.customTextBinding', function(event) { callback(true); }); } ``` ] .pull-right.w-30.small.mt2[ Run the following demonstration. ```r updateCustomTextInputExample(4) updateCustomTextInputExample(5) ``` ] **callback()** tells to update the input on the server (R). If true, a **rate policy** is applied! --- class: header_background # B.2.6 The binding steps: **rate policies** As mentioned before, `callback(true)` will set rate policy for the given **event listener**. Setting a rate policy is relevant when we donโt want to flood the server with tons of update requests. .pull-left.w-50.small[ ```js getRatePolicy: function() { return { // Can be 'debounce' or 'throttle' policy: 'debounce', delay: 500 }; } ``` ] .pull-right.w-50.small[ Below, the text input only updates after releasing the keyboard for 250ms. ```r updateCustomTextInputExample(6) ``` ] --- class: header_background center # B.2.7 The binding steps: Recap .mt-50[ <video width="80%" style="margin-top: 25px;"> <source src="assets/movies/" type="video/mp4"> </video> ] --- class: header_background # B.3 Box on Steroids! .mt-4[ Boxes are a center element of `{shinydashboard}`. Yet the latter only exploit 10% of their capability. Your mission: unleash the AdminLTE API to deliver box on steroids! Open [`box_on_steroids.Rmd`]( ]
--- class: break center middle background-image: url('assets/img/bg/part3.jpg') background-size: cover <h3 class="white absolute bottom center">Part 3. Custom Outputs</h3> --- class: header_background # A.1 Structure A brief plan of this part of the workshop Serve data as an __HTTP response__ and read it in JavaScript to produce an HTML __output.__๐ฎ 1. Discover HTTP 1.1 ๐. 2. Learn to serve HTTP 1.1 in shiny 3. Exercise in `Unleash-Shiny-Exercises-Part-3` RStudio Cloud. 4. Discover shiny outputs โก๏ธ 5. Exercise in `Unleash-Shiny-Exercises-Part-3` RStudio Cloud. 6. Q&A โ _Have `Unleash-Shiny-Exercises-Part-3` ready, it will come in handy._ --- class: header_background # A.1 Multi page applications ๐ ๐ ๐ "Traditional" applications and websites[
][ ### HTTP 1.1 _A new page is requested_ - Client requests `/`, server responds - Client requests `/about`, server gives a different response - Client requests `/products`, server gives a yet a different response - and so on ๐ก Think {plumber} ] --- class: header_background # A.1.1 Single page applications ๐ A more recent web development.[
][ ### Websocket _Bi-directional communication_ 1. Client connects 2. Client sends message 3. Server (may) respond with another message 4. Back to point 2 ] --- class: header_background # A.1.2 What about shiny? So which one of those does shiny use? > Both! But one (probably) more than the other... When you visit a shiny app: 1. Your browser makes an HTTP __request__ to the shiny `server` which __responds__ with the initial `ui`. 2. All subsequent communication is done via websocket (`input`, `output`). _No other `/page` is ever visited in shiny_ --- class: header_background # A.1.2 HTTP response __Headers__ HTTP header ~ meta data: gives _necessary_ information to the browser. Importantly: - `Status` - How is the response? - `404` not found - `200` all good - `500` server-side error - `301` redirect - `Content-Type` - type of content ('text/html', 'application/json', etc.) - `Content` - content to render These are all standardized, we don't get to choose. A websocket sends __binary data__ so there is no need for headers. --- class: header_background # A.1.3 HTTP response Let's discover how to serve an HTTP response with `registerDataObj`. .pull-left[ ```r path <- session$registerDataObj( name, data, filterFunc ) ``` ] .pull-right[ Arguments 1. `name`: the name of the path 2. `data`: data objects of use in `filterFunc` 3. `filterFunc`: Function, accepts `data` and `request` ] > Let's break this down --- class: header_background # A.1.3.1 HTTP response __name__ & __path__ ```r path <- session$registerDataObj(name = "about", data, filterFunc) ``` Since the response if only valid for a single session the _path_ returned is __dynamically generated.__ Example paths for different sessions: 1. `session/0a6ed2556d97dcaa1ddeb615dc04cd1e/dataobj/about` 2. `session/259b8dc2f18ffc975b246d206b60073f/dataobj/about` 3. `session/72abd5a5da9a1651bee32d25a908a0cd/dataobj/about` <br> <br> What is this `path` anywayโ It's where the HTTP response is servedโ --- class: header_background # A.1.3.2 HTTP response __filterFunc__ & __data__ ```r path <- session$registerDataObj(name = "about", data = "<h1>Hello!</h1>", filterFunc) ``` The core of it all: it actually serves the HTTP response. ```r # filterFunc function(data, req){ shiny:::httpResponse( status = 200, # default content_type = "text/html", # default content = data ) } ``` __Note__: `httpResponse` is not exported, hence the `:::` --- class: header_background # A.1.3.3 HTTP response __HTML__ By default `httpResponse` returns a HTML. .pull-left-70[ ```r path <- session$registerDataObj( name = "hello", data = "<h1>Hello there!</h1>", function(data, req) { shiny:::httpResponse( content = data ) } ) ``` ] .pull-right-30[ ![](assets/img/http-hello.png) ] --- class: header_background # A.1.3.4 HTTP response __JSON__ Minor changes to return JSON data. .pull-left-70[ ```r path <- session$registerDataObj( name = "cars-data", data = cars, function(data, req) { # seralise to JSON res <- jsonlite::toJSON(data) shiny:::httpResponse( content_type = "application/json", content = res ) } ) ``` ] .pull-right-30[ ```json [ { "speed": 4, "dist": 2 }, { "speed": 4, "dist": 10 } ] ``` ] --- class: header_background # B.1 Master HTTP Open and complete `http-excercise.Rmd`.
--- class: header_background # B.2 ๐ก The grand idea Serve data with an HTTP response, read it with JavaScript to produce the HTML output
--- class: header_background # B.3 Level Layout Meet __"box"__ our soon-to-be custom output โ <img src="assets/img/level.png" class="shade"/> ๐ <a href=""></a> --- class: header_background # B.4 Outputs Examples: .pull-left[ - `plot` - `plotOutput` - `renderPlot` - `datatable` - `datatableOutput` - `renderDatatable` ] .pull-right[ - `table` - `tableOutput` - `renderTable` - `plotly` - `plotlyOutput` - `renderPlotly` ] Our __3 functions:__ 1. `box` - captures the data 2. `boxOutput` - places the output HTML 4. `renderBox` - serves the data as JSON --- class: header_background # B.4.2 Level `box.Rd` .pull-left[ <br/> ## Box The `box` function. ### Usage `box(data, title, value)` ### Value Returns a data.frame ] .pull-right[ <br/> <br/> <img src="assets/img/level.png" class="shade"/> Example of `data` to produce the above. |title | value| |:---------|------:| |tweets | 3456| |following | 123| |followers | 456000| |likes | 789| ] --- class: header_background # B.4.5 Level `boxOutput.Rd` .pull-left[ <br/> ## boxOutput The `boxOutput` function to place in the shiny UI. ### Usage `boxOutput(id)` ### Value Returns a `<nav>` tag bearing input `id` ] .pull-right[ <br/> <br/> ## Example ```r boxOutput("myBox") ``` ```html <nav id="myBox" class="level box"> <!-- Level items --> </nav> ``` ] --- class: header_background # B.4.7 Level `renderBox.Rd` <br> .pull-left[ ## renderBox Render `box` in shiny. ### Usage `renderBox(expr)` ### Value Returns a function ] .pull-right[ Preprocesses the output of `box` and sends that data to the client. โWhatโ 1. It accepts an _expression_ 2. It returns a _function_ ๐จ ๐จ ๐ฑ ] --- class: header_background # B.4.8 Level `renderBox.R` (1) Internally __all__ `render*` functions return another `function()`โ .pull-left[ It's a function! ๐ ```r shiny::exprToFunction({ head(cars, 10) }) ``` ``` ## function () ## { ## head(cars, 10) ## } ``` ] .pull-right[ We can run it ๐ ```r fn <- shiny::exprToFunction({ x <- 1 x + 3 }) fn() ``` ``` ## [1] 4 ``` ] __Shiny = Reactivity:__ functions are easier to rerun `output$something <-` you actually assign a `function` โ --- class: header_background # B.4.9 Level `renderBox.R` (2) Great, `render*` returns a function, but what about that one then ๐ ```r renderSomething <- function(expr){ func <- shiny::exprToFunction(expr) # assigned to `output` function(){ data <- func() # sent to the JavaScript binding return(data + 1) } } ``` The result of `render*` is a function, the result of which is __sent to the JavaScript binding__ ๐ก --- class: header_background # B.1 Make Box! Open and complete `custom-output.Rmd`.
--- class: header_background # B.4.12 Level __binding__ Much of the JavaScript works just like inputs, __only simpler!__ Only two methods: 1. ๐ `find` - does the same as for inputs. 2. โก๏ธ `renderValue` - renders the output. --- class: header_background # B.4.13 Level __skeleton__ Eerily similar to inputs: 1) initialise, 2) extend, 3) register. ```js var boxBinding = new Shiny.OutputBinding(); $.extend(boxBinding, { find: function(scope) { return $(scope).find(".box"); }, renderValue: function(el, data) { // Get the serialised JSON // Use it to render content } }); Shiny.outputBindings.register(boxBinding, ""); ``` --- class: header_background # B.4.14 Level __renderValue__ The `renderValue` in the JavaScript binding the following: .pull-left-70[ ```js function(el, data) { // httr::GET (1) fetch(data) // httr::content (2) .then(response => response.json()) // lapply | purrr::map (3) .then(data => {>{ let div = createElement(row); $(el).append(div); }) }) } ``` ] .pull-right-30[ .small[ _Args_ - `el` the element (`boxOutput`) - `data` the path sent by `renderBox` _Logic_ 1. Fetch the data 2. Extract JSON from response 3. Loop over data 1. Create `level-item` 2. Append to `<nav>` ] ] --- class: header_background # C.1 Where to go from here Numerous improvements could be made. - The `box` function could accept a model and extract relevant statistics - The output could use other JavaScript libraries to [animate the numbers]( for instance - Or the value could be colored dependening on a threshold - Add methods so `box` accepts different kinds of objects (e.g.: `xts`) - Add an inline chart Plenty more can be done! --- class: break center middle background-image: url('assets/img/bg/part4.jpg') background-size: cover <h3 class="white absolute bottom center">Part 4. Shiny's Hidden Gems</h3> --- class: header_background # How to get the last changed input? .panelset[ .panel[.panel-name[R Code] .small[ ```r ui <- fluidPage( textInput('txt_a', 'Input Text A'), textInput('txt_b', 'Input Text B'), uiOutput('txt_c_out'), verbatimTextOutput("show_last") ) server <- function(input, output, session) { output$txt_c_out <- renderUI(textInput('txt_c', 'Input Text C')) values <- reactiveValues(lastUpdated = NULL) observe({ lapply(names(input), function(x) { observe({ input[[x]] values$lastUpdated <- x }) }) }) output$show_last <- renderPrint(values$lastUpdated) } ``` ] ] .panel[.panel-name[JS] We leverage `Shiny.setInputValue` and Shiny JS [events]( **`shiny:inputchanged`** fires **each time** an input is **changed**! ```js $(document).on('shiny:inputchanged', function(event) { Shiny.setInputValue('pleaseStayHome', {name:, value: event.value, type:'.')[1]}); }); ``` On the R side, we listen to `input$pleaseStayHome`. That's it! ] .panel[.panel-name[I am just lazy ๐คท] The `{shinylogs}` package developed by [dreamRs]( contains this feature: ```r shinyApp( ui = fluidPage( numericInput("n", "n", 1), sliderInput("s", "s", min = 0, max = 10, value = 5), verbatimTextOutput("lastChanged") ), server = function(input, output, session) { # specific to shinylogs track_usage(storage_mode = store_null()) output$lastChanged <- renderPrint(input$`.shinylogs_lastInput`) } ) ``` ] ] --- class: header_background # How to send notifications from JS? Don't forget that `Shiny` is a JS object having the **``** method! We add **`onclick`** to an `actionButton`. .small[ ```r ui <- fluidPage( actionButton( "notif", "Show notification", onclick = "{ html: '<strong>Oups</strong>', type: 'error', duration: 2000 });" ) ) server <- function(input, output, session) {} shinyApp(ui, server) ``` ] --- class: header_background # Update inputs from JS (not R)? .center[ Open `update_input_from_client.Rmd`. ] --- class: header_background # How to hijack a binding? <img src="assets/img/hijack.gif" width="5%" align="right"/> Case study: we would like to modify the action button behavior **on the fly**. .pull-left-30.small[ Steps: 1. Wait for the `shiny:connected` event 2. Unbind all inputs 3. Access the `Shiny.inputBindings` registry 4. Extend the binding 5. Apply the new changes with `bindAll` ] .pull-right-70.small[ ```js $(function() { $(document).on('shiny:connected', function(event) { Shiny.unbindAll(); $.extend(Shiny .inputBindings .bindingNames['shiny.actionButtonInput'] .binding, { // do whathever you want to edit existing methods }); Shiny.bindAll(); }); }); ``` ] --- class: header_background # How to interact with a binding from JS? .pull-left-30.small.mt4[ What if you don't want to update input from the server? ๐คท - Define the **trigger** - Define the **target** - **Capture** the target input binding - Use `setValue` to add new value - **Trigger** any **relevant** event mentioned in `subscribe` (tells Shiny to update from the R side) ] .pull-right-70.small.mt4[ ```js $(function() { // each time we click on #test (a button) $('#test').on('click', function() { var $obj = $('#button'); var inputBinding = $'shiny-input-binding'); var val = $'val') || 0; inputBinding.setValue($obj, val + 10); $obj.trigger('click'); }); }); ``` ] --- class: break center middle background-image: url('assets/img/bg/end.jpg') background-size: cover <h3 class="white absolute bottom center">To be continued ... Thanks !!!</h3>